Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 16


My Motivation.

My stomach: 2003(size 2), 2007(size 4), and 2012(size 6-7). 

Obviously the first one looks extra good because I was so tan!  This is my main motivation.  I know I am not grotesquely huge, but when I look back at these pictures, I wish there wasn't so much of a change.  For the first two pictures I was in highschool playing 3 sports a year with constant practices so I was bound to be in shape.  Currently, I am lucky if I fit in a 30-60 minute walk or a workout video in each day.  My goal is to have my stomach look at least like the middle picture again.  (For those of you with PCOS, you know that any excess chub will gather around your mid-section)-- so hopefully I will be able to sled some of the side chunk and get it a little bit flatter with some ab definition- ASAP!

The Blue Pants!

I saw these suckers at a thrift store and had to get them for 3$.  They are kinda old-school Express cargo pants and the material is a little bit shiny.  As you can see, they are about 2 inches from zipping comfortably (they are a size 4).  I wouldn't normally buy something too small for me, but I know I can drop a few pounds and tone and fit perfectly into them. 

Size 4, here we come!

What's your motivation?

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