Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 11


Taste the RAINBOW!!

It is important to eat fruits and veggies that are colorful because they are more nutrient-rich.  Thanks to Pinterest, I have a new favorite snack.  All you need is an ice cube tray and some yummy, vibrant assorted foods.

My first one contained raspberries, baby carrots, yellow watermelon, a brussles sprout, asparagus, a plum, grapes, raisins, almonds, dark chocolate (86% cacao), and my homemade orange dill dressing from Day 8 (to dunk the carrots in).

My second one contained strawberries, orange, grapefruit, banana, broccoli, blueberries, grapes, peanut butter (to dunk the bananas in) and ranch dressing (to dunk the broccoli in). 

**Obviously you don't have to arrange your rainbow snack in this way, or eat all the colors at once, but try to fill your diet with multiple NATURAL colors (avoid food coloring) to get all of the nutrients that your body needs**

Also - I don't drink much besides water, tea, a little milk, and occasionally 100% orange or tangerine juice, but i really like Sambazon's line of juices.  They are expensive, but there are usually printable coupons.  They don't have any ingredients that I haven't heard of - most organic, and it gives you a boost of energy (and TMI - - will clean your right out!  so don't stray far from your restroom for good 30 minutes)

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